Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Attention All True White Racists!!!!!!

I have a problem with White Racists! Not the obvious problem with them just being ignorant and stupid for no reason other than a inferiority complex. No, this problem stems deeper. If you claim to be a White Supremacist or just a plain old bigot, I have one really good question for you , How can you let the JEWS take over your country and your government and do absolutely NOTHING about it???? See, I understand your rhetoric about "Niggers and Kykes taking over your country". You feel more and more like whites are becoming a minority. This is a piece of Pig shit! There are plenty of whites in this country to dominate for the next 1000 years. See, you don't really fear the blacks taking over because you know that they have been so devistated from slavery and segregation, to plain ol' racism, that even if one or two make it, they pose no threat to your country. The problem I have is why the HELL then do you let these JEWS take over not only your country, but your Government! These NEOCONSERVATIVES are JEWS! They have taken over your government and has used your Country for their ZIONIST agenda.You do NOTHING about it! Not ONE fucking thing!Check into it. LIBBY, Pearle, Wolfowitz, Tennent etc. ,they're all Israelis.They hold dual citizenship with the US and Israel. Guess who they're looking out for first?So, I hate to ramble on about shit that wont change, but you racists talk all that shit about defending the motherland from Jews and Niggers and Spicks and whatever, you seem to be doing a good job on the niggers and spicks, but you just let these Zionists(Cause they're not really Jews), waltz into this country and take over your Government, Businesses , Media, Military and on and on and on! You did'nt do SHIT! Now they have your sons and daughters fighting their war and tricking your dumb ass into thinking it's because of TERRORISM! You fuckers are more stupid than I thought!


Blogger Wayne World said...

NZYME.....Bless your heart sweetie. I thank you kindly for the invite . However, it sounds like your trying to use me to break down the racial barriers in Bryan.I'm not trying to have a sit-in in 2005!

4:50 PM  
Blogger Wayne World said...

NZYME...if I answered your question, then I would'nt be a international man of mystery, now would I?

5:28 PM  
Blogger Wayne World said...

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5:31 PM  
Blogger tonymacq said...

How great is it that we live in a country where the commander in chief is attempting to prepare the world for a biblical appocolypse. Doesnt that make you feel good inside.

11:38 PM  
Blogger Wayne World said...

Yo, macq , That is very deep right there. I peeped that also! I often wonder if Bush is the one who comes in the name of peace , but brings war! Because we've been at war for a minute,with no end in sight!

7:54 AM  
Blogger Wayne World said...

nzyme...I think you're a little too into this apocalypse stuff!!!!

7:12 PM  

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