Friday, February 11, 2005

The President Bush Translator

I know that xplicit has his now famous Wu- Tang name generator. Well, after careful thought , I've come up with one that will translate President Bush's speeches. I know it's hard to understand him as it is , but with this device, it will break down his terms and phrases into words we all can understand. Actually , it's not a seperate thing like the Wu- Tang name generator, it works in my head. Let me demonstrate using parts of his last State of the Union Address." My fellow Americans"(Rich white people, poor white people and illegal immigrants that will work for major corporations without rights and fair labor practice)"I am confident in saying that the State of the Union is Strong"(I'm rich as hell, all my buddies are rich, and we're blowing up shit). "The soft bigotry of low expectations"(Make it hard as hell for minorities to get into College and then pass the Hutchinson Act that allows Military recruiters to obtain their info from their high schools and agressively persue them). "No Child left behind"(implement policy that high schools purposely fail minorities and then increase the military recruiters and give them access to their personal info and tell them that they can pay for school by serving , meanwhile cut scholarships, grants and government loans).

I still have to work on the translator a bit, but you get the point!!


Blogger Unknown said...

>Make it hard as hell for minorities to get into College

I dunno if it is hard for them to get into college, but if they get in, they get some nice shit. I know a half-mexican who got a full ride at USU with a 3.0 and a 20 ACT.

Any scholarship that i recieve would be doubled if i was a minority.

6:04 PM  
Blogger Wayne World said... don't know if it's hard for them to get into college!That's just one example of a half mexican. You sound like a bitter caucasian that can't understand why minorities need help!You still would'nt want to be a minority even if it meant you went to school for free!

7:56 PM  
Blogger tonymacq said...

Lol TZA as that southpark episode put it so just got served.

Anyway I couldnt agree more with soundboyz, the exception to the rule is not the best example to prove your point. Now if you said 30 half mexicans got 3.0 gpa's and a 20 on the ACT and they all got full rides to USU, then maybe I would look at your point more seriously.

>Any scholarship that i recieve would be doubled if i was a minority.

Shit I know dumb white kids that get into colleges that a person of color with the same credentials could not, so dont give me that bullshit

12:56 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

>Shit I know dumb white kids that get into colleges that a person of color with the same credentials could not, so dont give me that bullshit

I don't.

At the University of Utah, almost all the scholarships there are minority-exclusive. I have a great GPA and a very good test score, and I didn't get shit from them.

And the problem is that Universities assume that minorities are lower-middle class while whites are upper-middle class. But that isn't even close to true.

>You still would'nt want to be a minority even if it meant you went to school for free!

If i was guarenteed for free, then that is definitly arguable.

here comes the racial profiling speech...

4:18 AM  
Blogger Wayne World said...

flyno20...Wtih all do respect sir,You don't want to be a minority!No racial profile speech needed here, just this quote."There's not one white person that would trade places with me right now.......and I'm RICH!" Qoute from Chris Rock. Sure you know a dumb white person that got into school just because of their credentials....Our dear PRESIDENT! sounds to me like someone needs to explain why there's a need for affermative action. Put it this way, If I assaulted and robbed you, you have the right to take me to court and charge me with those crimes and then sue me for COMPENSATION to right those wrongs!! Now really think about that!And don't try that ...but My family did'nt do crap, if you live in this country and benefit from it's existance, then you are liable.Just like when they compensated the Native Americans or the Jews, My family did'nt do crap but because they lived in and benefitted from this country, their taxpayer dollars were used to right wrongs. Some wrongs that the US were'nt even responsable for(jews).

9:00 AM  

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