Sunday, January 30, 2005

Someone Shoot Paris Hilton

I dont feel like making a graphic right now. Use your imagination.

If there is one person that is so irrelevant to my life yet so often included in it, its Paris Hilton. First, let's start with the name. Paris is a guy's name. Hilton is a rich person's name. If there's one thing that doesn't turn me on, it's rich males, especially French ones. Her parents opened the door to a lot of bad jokes (Did you know it only costs $5 to get inside the Paris Hilton?). Second off, is her complete lack of any talent or intelligence WHATSOEVER. Her acting is....terrible. Her singing is...much worse. She is a stereotypically stupid dumb blonde. She is a complete and total slut. We all can see right thru the sex tape (not like "watching it the whole way thru") and see that it was a marketing ploy. No one knew who she was until she gave a blowjob to a guy twice her age on camera. Also, she is ugly as hell. She is incredibly flat, and waaay to skinny. She puts on a ton of makeup. In the end, she looks like a rectangular sack of bones with eyeliner. Her accent is beyond annoying. And lastly, she is a racist bitch. Weekend Update reported that the "n-word" is clearly heard during her sex tape. I also heard from Chris Rock on Conan O'Brien that his HBO special was on. I wonder if these 2 events concided...and if he called Chris Rock a certain racial slur. Someone D/L it (for reaserch purposes, of course) and tell me...

"Fuck that! Do that shit! Shoot that bitch! / Can you afford to blow this shit? Are you that rich? / Why you give a fuck if she dies? Are you that bitch?"

"FUCK slittin her throat, CUT THIS BITCH'S HEAD OFF!!!"