Thursday, January 27, 2005

You bitches.

My sister lost my mom's debit card, meaning we had to pay everything with cash. She gave me $10 and literally told me "go buy something to eat". I, obviously, went to the Giant and bought some Wing Zings (spicy chicken wings). I came home ate 8 wings, I left and my sister came in and ate some. Then for whatever reason, she didn't put the wings container in the fridge. She kinda just left it there. Predicitabily, I later saw an the top of the container on the floor. I was like "No!"...and then I saw the empty container on the floor. My dogs had eaten it. Now, I'm a pretty-laid back sorta guy, and I let a lot of little things go. But no one, NO ONE, fuckin does that to MY CHICKEN WINGS. I let out some scream and then I yelled and manically gestured at my dogs, knowing fully well it had no effect on them. I would have called to bitch at my sister, and even hit/kicked my dogs (something I've never done, cause it just doesn't feel right to hurt something so small) if I wasn't so depressed that I didn't want to talk to anyone and/or do anything. So now I'm hungry, having only eaten chicken wings and one small school pizza the whole day. There is no real food at my house, and I actually don't know what I'm going to eat. Wish me luck.


Blogger Zodiac Digital said...

i was able to get enough money by bitching at russians, etc. to get a reasonably good chicken meal. actually, it probably tasted like shit, but i was too busy fullfilling my hunger to notice.

8:20 PM  

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