Wednesday, April 13, 2005

I'm done with crazy

After having a weird, embarassing, protracted argument with himself several times in the comments section to this post, he sent me this:

From: "wayne world"
Yo, on the strength, If I ever see you in person, i'm going to punch you in your fucking head as hard as I can!!!!!!!!!You don't know me !!!You don't even know how old I am, that's what I told you. But on the real, if I catch up with you , I am a man of my word!!!!!And I am going to Howard in a minute, I'll be sure to ask around for you!!!!!Yo , leave me the FUCK ALONE LOUIS!!!!!!!!!

as you can see, he ended EVERY SINGLE motherfuckin sentence with more than 1 exclamation mark. seriously, has anyone seen this dude not sound like he's high on something? also, he fucked up my name (what does he think I am? italian?) anyways, i responded:

From: "Spam Me"
Subject: lighten up
To: "wayne world"

1) learn how to spell my name.
2) punch me? what are you talking about?
3) i was kidding with the 46 years
4) i really dont get why youre mad at me.
5) try me:
14650 Keenlaned Circle
Gaithersburg, MD 20878

Is this you, by any chance:
[I'm going to widthold this information, since appearently he thinks he's in the witness protection program, on some Goodfellas-type shit.]

EVERYBODY thinks you are being ridiculous. What do you want me to do? What did I do to piss you off so much? Fuck it, ill make a post saying that Im houston if that makes you feel better. it doesnt change the fact, but still.

Your Father

In case you haven't noticed, this old dude is threatening to go punch me out and I just gave him my home address, which proves how empty I feel his threat is. Now, I'm going to delete all those posts which deal with this shit. I am a bit embarassed that I even was involved in was really silly. My sincere apologies to the people who got weirdly dragged into this...whatever "this" was.

As far as me being Houston:
I'm not even going to bother with this. The idea blows several holes into the space/time continium, like me not knowing whether he had quit, or me not liking the fact that he quit, or him having a conversation with "me" in the comments to someone's blog, and it turns out it wasnt me but some guy using my name. How could I (as Houston) have a conversation with the fake me (guy using my name) and not notice? Like I said, its a waste of time to bother with this anymore.

On a lighter note:
Check out "A Salute to Weedcarriers", the best new blog there is. So good, in fact, that the BC dot C has a whole post on it. And besides, I contributed a 2Pac post. That's always good.

">because honestly, this is how school shootings happen.
Yep, crazy white people who can't take a joke


Blogger Geekbird said...

Dude, where's my link for being drawn into this!!!! Do I have to start beefin' (no homo) with you too!!!

Peep my multiple exclamations as well, showing my seriousness


4:29 PM  
Blogger Zodiac Digital said...

i wonder how many people are getting all the references...

4:57 PM  
Blogger Zodiac Digital said...

>The more you address this "issue", the more comical it gets.

>I needed a good laugh so thank you. =)

like i said, this is all very silly. im ending it here so that as to prevent further embarassment.

5:15 PM  
Blogger Joey said...

I just added your site to my blogroll. Keep doing your thing...

5:24 PM  
Blogger Zodiac Digital said...

to joey - youre on my links now, no homo. to everyone - this matter is to never be spoken of ever again

6:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi There! Really cool site . Ok so I'm always searching for this kind of stuff.
I have this fascination thing. Keep up the good work!
All Blessings,Horoscope

9:58 AM  

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